Double donations for Let Me Know to prevent sexual violence

1 in 4 women, 1 in 6 men and  3 in 4 transgender and non-binary people will experience an abusive relationship in their lifetime – that’s 2.3 million people in the UK each year.

Over the last few weeks MarketingKind members have been contributing their expertise to support the growth of Let Me Know, a charity helping young people build healthy relationships and prevent sexual abuse and violence.

Together we’ve been working to improve their business model and diversify their income streams so that they can bring their practical and effective workshops that teach the 10 signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships to a greater number of people.

In the past they have worked mostly through schools and community groups. And they are also now providing training through businesses and other organisations with a young workforce.

29% of people in employment have experienced some form of sexual harassment in their workplace or work-related environment in the last 12 months. And after participating in the Let Me Know workplace training 95% of participants reported they knew how to address unhealthy behaviours at work.

Let Me Know have a fantastic opportunity to double their donations as part of the Big Give matched funding campaign during the week of November 28th to December 5th.

If you would like to support Let Me Know’s fantastic work please donate during their Big Give week, share their campaign page with others, introduce them to businesses in need of their training or best of all join our working group to provide pro bono marketing and business support.

You can watch a short clip below with Kirsten Westlake, co-founder of Let Me Know, speaking about their work in our October Coffee with a Cause.


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