Andy Burnham on thinking bigger in politics

In our September xChange Paul Skinner, founder of MarketingKind, interviewed Andy Burnham, Mayor of Greater Manchester, to better understand the purpose of a mayor.

We explored Andy's role as Chief Marketing Officer of Manchester, the role of a mayor in galvanising change, devolution and how best to cooperate in tackling our most important challenges.

Participants had the opportunity to put their questions to Andy in the live Q&A.

And afterwards members said:

‘This was an outstanding event. I left the call inspired and positive for the future. Andy was on top form......and Paul provided just the right amount of guiding input.’

‘Wide ranging, incisive questions from Paul as always, and honest, insightful and thought provoking answers from Andy Burnham.’

‘An inspirational session. I went to University in Manchester. Tempted to HEAD NORTH! Thank you to MarketingKind for making this possible.’

You can watch the full interview below or listen to our podcast episode of the xChange here.


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