MarketingKind is now open


On Thursday we opened our doors to purposeful marketers everywhere to join our mission!

The inspiration for MarketingKind was to create an alternative professional organisation for marketers that wanted to join together not just for what they can get out of it but for what they can contribute with their expertise; not just to network, but to actually work together in common cause; and not just to grow their own careers and organisations but to solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.

As we were building MarketingKind during lockdown we talked to many marketers about what they would most like to do together and a number of priorities became clear. They wanted to join a 'doing shop' rather than a talking shop; they wanted to work together to support pioneering change-makers in charities, NGOs and social enterprises; and they wanted to improve the reputation of marketing by actually changing the practice of marketing for the better.

Together we have an opportunity to make these ambitious desires a reality. Our many incredible Founding Members and other supporters have helped us create engaging and impactful formats for our ‘online-first’ gatherings, including our monthly Coffee with a Cause sessions that provide the opportunity to begin changing the world on your coffee break. We have an online community space to support ongoing collaboration. And we’ll be working with our members to measure the impacts that we each create as individuals and that we enable collectively as a community.

Our first Member to sign up was Lauren Cooper, Brand Manager of NESCAFÉ Azera at Nestlé. And in the true spirit of MarketingKind Lauren immediately got stuck in to play a leading role in helping Dear Green Santa to build their campaign strategy for this Christmas. In our first two days we received applications from five countries, from a range of impressive marketing leaders with intentions ranging from leading ethical organisations at scale to changing lives through sport.

We now invite you to join us, our Founding Members and the Members that are signing up daily to work together through MarketingKind to address the challenges of our present times head on and build back better in support of a sustainable and inclusive future!


​xChange​ ​- Trustee Matching


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