In our July 18th Coffee with a Cause we will work with Dr Gearóid Ó Cuinn, Director of the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN), on a brand and website review to support their work challenging powerful actors involved in human rights violations and systemic injustice.
GLAN partners with other NGOs to fight human rights violations. A recent example is their victory in the Court of Appeal with World Uyghur Congress against the National Crime Agency (NCA) with the verdict that the UK NCA’s refusal to investigate Uyghur forced labour cotton imported from China was unlawful. As a consequence of this case high street retail giants trading and importing forced labour goods are now exposed to legal risk.
They work on landmark cases in the areas of environment and climate change; war and occupation; migration and border violence; and global finance, trade and supply chains.
Gearóid is the founding director of GLAN where he is responsible for thier legal actions and strategic growth. He is an adjunct lecturer at the Irish Centre for Human Rights and formerly lectured at Lancaster University Law School and was a visiting fellow at the Transnational Law Institute at Kings College London. Gearóid has active links with the legal profession and is interested in new avenues in clinical legal education, especially within public international law and the use of technologies in pro bono legal work.
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