In our November xChange Célia Pronto, Managing Director of Love Home Swap, will interview Paul Skinner, founder of MarketingKind and author of The Purpose Upgrade: Change your business to save the world. Change the world to save your business.
In the conversation we’ll explore questions such as How can we foster big enough ideas to climb our way out of our current crises? How can we build purposeful solutions to problems that have frankly arisen by accident and neglect? And what role can enterprise now best play in unlocking a prosperous shared future?
Join us to consider how businesses can do far more for all their stakeholders by repurposing their core activities and explore a methodology that you can use to make a Purpose Upgrade an always available event at any level of your own enterprise.
This will be a hybrid event with a meeting in person for everyone who can make it as well as the opportunity for everyone who is unable to be in London on the day to connect remotely as with our online gatherings.
For everyone choosing in-person attendance there will be an extended Q&A with Paul and guests and the opportunity to relax together and continue the conversation over refreshments.
Please use the form below to register for the online xChange. If you would like to attend in person please get in touch early as places are limited.