Mission Possible - Campaign to end loneliness

> In 2018 Meyer Prinsloo, former VP of Marketing for Fourth Hospitality, read an article about our work and got in touch asking if he could run a Mission Possible programme with his marketing team. We connected them with a fantastic food waste charity FoodCycle that was looking to tackle loneliness while serving community-style nutritious meals made from food that would otherwise go to waste. The fourth team helped to create an e-recipe book and Christmas fundraising campaign that involved everything from engaging celebrity chefs, to designing the e-recipe book and overhauling their database. The project gave everyone on the Fourth team the opportunity to lead on their specialist areas and it inspired them all to give extra time and effort to their charity partner.

Both the marketers and the cause reaped the benefits of the project. The Fourth team reported a variety of results such as discovering their love of training through teaching the charity’s team new skills, and enhanced confidence and belief in their leadership abilities. And FoodCycle came away with a Christmas e-recipe book campaign, which was a template that could be built on and improved year-on-year.

After the project Meyer said, 'Unleashing your team on a cause will test, stimulate and develop their skills in an entrepreneurial way and help them to tackle marketing challenges and opportunities with new vigour. Don't be surprised if new leaders emerge and team members exhibit skills that you and the team did not harness before!'

Each Mission Possible event is unique, but they all provide opportunities for marketers to see what they can accomplish when given a daunting task, a very limited amount of time and budget and an engaging cause that inspires their creativity. They combine real world learning, with networking and volunteering to provide the ultimate triple win for marketers, for causes and for society.


The Marketing Help Desk


Behaviour change experts build social connections for older adults