Our 1st Coffee with a Cause session with Green Girls

On October 30th we held our first Coffee with a Cause session to work with Monique Ntumngia, one of Africa’s leading social entrepreneurs, to empower vulnerable and excluded women to build safe, reliable and independent livelihoods by running their own micro-businesses.

Coffee with a Cause with Green Girls

Monique's social enterprise, the Green Girls Organisation, is a Pan-African NGO that uses AI to provide clean and affordable energy to women and girls across African rural communities. Her awards from 2019 alone include the VISA Everywhere Initiative Global Winner, UNLEASH SDG7, the WWF International President’s Award and the UNDP Development Award.

The Green Girls new micro-enterprise hub has been created to empower women affected by conflict, violence and disabilities to rebuild their lives through a complete package of the right financial, psychological and administrative support to equip them to run their own businesses.

Paul Skinner, founder of MarketingKind, hosted the session on Friday and we had a great group of members join in with others coming forwards to support the follow up activities. We started by asking Monique to share her couragous journey from being thrown out of the family home at age 12 to becoming a human rights lawyer, founding the Green Girls Organisation and piloting her new micro-enterprise hub for displaced and vulnerable women in Cameroon.

We then worked in small groups to identify potential sources of international support for the micro-enterprise hub. And together we'll continue to work with Monique to build on the best ideas identified and to strengthen the Green Girls Organisation and enhance their impact as they change the lives of thousands of women.

If you’re interested in joining the group working with Monique please email anna@marketingkind.org to get involved.


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