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Digital Fireside: Renewal with Lynne Franks OBE

Join our first Digital Fireside conversation with PR guru and champion of sustainable business and women’s empowerment Lynne Franks OBE for a chance to reflect, find new inspiration and support your MarketingKind peers.

The Digital Fireside is a place to reflect and grow with inspiring leaders and change-makers.​​

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The pandemic has interrupted not just business as usual but life as usual. In so doing it has also created a readiness for radical change at a time when we need to reinvent how we, the economy and society work to create a healthy, resilient and sustainable future.

Together with Lynne and your peers at MarketingKind, you will find the support you need to reconnect with your inner resourcefulness, reflect on what is most important to you as you face the future and think big about the changes you want to create in the world.

Lynne came to prominence as the iconic Founder of Lynne Franks PR. ​She helped​ position the UK as a global leader in fashion, initiating London Fashion Week and the British Fashion Awards.

For over 20 years since she sold the business, however, she has swapped influence in fashion for influence over a fairer future. Lynne has championed major global initiatives to combat HIV/ Aids and protect women and girls from violence. She has created a women’s only radio station, and championed women’s leadership from post-war Bosnia to rural South African villages as well as developing SEED (Sustainable Enterprise Empowerment Dynamics) as a global platform to support female social entrepreneurs.

Key to Lynne’s many successes is an ability to combine the inner resilience needed to tackle major challenges with an eye for spotting entrepreneurial opportunity in emerging zeitgeists and a set of values that embeds principles of cooperation, humanity and sustainability in everything she does.

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