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Coffee with a Cause with COTERC

In our February 18th Coffee with a Cause we will work with Dr Tom Bregman, board member and Head of Strategy at COTERC, to support their efforts protecting tropical biodiversity through research and education.

Tropical ecosystems are under threat from a range of human disturbances and we lack the necessary knowledge to intervene and protect biodiversity that is critical to society’s survival.

COTERC (Canadian Organization for Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation) is a non-profit contributing to tropical research and education through their field station in Costa Rica.

They publish ground-breaking research on some of the world’s least understood species and their unique long-term datasets enable them to guide local area management that ensures biodiversity is protected in the face of human disturbance.

They are also helping to develop the next generation of conservation scientists — providing immersive learning experiences that shape the lives and research careers of today’s students.

COTERC researchers and volunteers work in innovative ways to protect biodiversity, for example Dr Helen Pheasey used decoy turtle eggs with sim cards to track the movement of eggs illegally poached on Playa Norte — the nesting beach monitored by COTERC.

Since 1991, more than 2400 early-stage researchers have visited the station, producing more than 50 peer-reviewed papers.

In our Coffee with a Cause and beyond we will support COTERC’s growth strategy.

5 February

Digital Fireside with Lotte Jones from The News Movement

6 March

xChange with Wim Vermeulen on the future of marketing