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Coffee with a Cause: BuddyHub

In our November Coffee with a Cause we worked with Catherine McClen, an award-winning social entrepreneur and Founder of BuddyHub, to support BuddyHub’s efforts to rebuilding the social circles of lonely older adults in London.

You can watch part of Catherine’s introduction to their work below.

Together we collectively addressed the important issue of extreme loneliness by helping Catherine and the BuddyHub team to improve their marketing so they can do more to connect socially isolated older adults with new friendship circles.

This session was led by Gareth Simpson, Founding Member of MarketingKind and Marketing Consultant at Mercatoria.

This was a members only gathering and if you would like to join a future Coffee with a Cause please register your interest here.

18 November

xChange: Think differently about thinking differently with Rory Sutherland & Mark Evans

10 December

xChange: What makes cause partnerships effective?